Tuesday 30 July 2013

Crafting with the kids

I have missed out on posting two of my crafting morning with the kids. I need to get my butt into gear as they say! So today I am going to show you what we have done so far. 

Treasure Rocks
You will need:
Baking Soda
Food colouring
Trinket or Toy

In a bowl, add baking soda and some food colouring. Then add some water slowly, mixing as you add. You don't want the mixture runny as it needs to be moldable and hold it's shape. Once your mixture is done, you can mold it into a ball hiding the treasure inside. Then put it somewhere so the treasure rocks can dry. I put mine near the stove as the oven was on with me cooking and they did dry quicker than just sitting on the bench. Or you could leave them to dry overnight.
Once they were dry I put a treasure rock in a container and placed it on the table with a bowl of vinegar and a pipette. I bought the pipettes from the arts and craft shop in our local shopping centre. 

The kids used the pipettes and squeezed the vinegar in then dropped it on the treasure rocks and watched what happened. The rocks fizzed and bubbled and started to break apart.

By using the pipette it took awhile for the rock to disappear but the kids kept on going and really enjoyed it. They were looking forward to seeing what the treasure was going to be inside.

And here are the treasures! My kids are into trash packs so I thought it was a good treasure to find. They had a great time and have asked when can we do some more treasure rocks.

Modelling Clay
The kids have been asking when I could get them some clay to make things. While I was at the shops last week I went into The Reject Shop and grabbed three packets of modelling clay for $2 each. 

Heaps of colours and a great simple activity

A few tools to cut and roll with

And everyone had a fun time! The kids made some really good things.

Well I'm off now to do some baking for the kids lunch boxes. 
See you tomorrow! xx

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