Friday 9 August 2013

Maggi Stir Fry Creations

Last week I was chosen to do a review about the new Maggi Stir Fry Creations range. So, Friday night we decided to have an Asian Stir Fry night and try out these Maggi Stir Fry Creations.

Here is a brief background about the Maggi Stir Fry Creations:

The team at Maggi has discovered that the secret to a great stir fry is the layering of flavours.  Working with Asian cooks, they have developed a way for their consumers to do this at home. 

The unique two-step process allows for the perfect depth of flavour as the paste and sauce come together to create delicious Asian flavours. And by cooking the stir fry in steps the meat stays tender and the veg stays crisp.

The unique-two step process uses an Infusion Paste to coat the meat, so that the meat infuses with flavour as it cooks.  And a Finishing Sauce is added as the final step to complete the dish.

Launching into the Australian market in March 2013, new Maggi Stir Fry Creations has captured the imagination of both retailer and consumer alike.  A range of five products give consumers a diverse set of flavours to choose from – some old favourite like Honey, Soy & Garlic, and other more adventurous flavours in Sweet Chilli, Ginger & Lemongrass. 

These products are ranged nationally in Coles, Woolworths & Independent supermarkets for $3.29 RRP.

There are five products in the range of Maggi Stir Fry Creations.
 I was given four products to try:
Chinese Five Spice & Soy Beef
Sweet Chilli, Ginger & Lemongrass Chicken
Teriyaki & Sesame Chicken
Honey, Soy & Garlic Chicken

We followed the recipe on the back of the packet and used some of the vegetables that was suggested. You can also use whatever meat and vegetables you have on hand.
We decided to use snow peas, baby corn, bok choy and red pepper.

We also used broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms and beans.
 It was quick to prepare and with all the vegies in it, it works out to be a very balanced meal.

The unique two step process of Maggi Stir Fry Creations delivers those great Asian flavours that are so hard to achieve at home.

The infusion paste coats the meat so it infuses with real herbs and spices as it cooks. 

You mix the infusion paste through the meat and leave it while you prepare the vegetables.

Add the meat to the pan and cook it for 5 minutes. The smell of the meat cooking with the infusion paste smells fantastic. You can smell the flavours of the infusion paste eg. Teriyaki & Sesame Chicken.

Add the vegetables and cook for 3 minutes. Then add the finishing sauce which is the final touch for completing the dish before you serve.

The result is a delicious stir fry that you will be proud to take to the table for everyone to enjoy.

The meat was tender in each stir fry from being infused with the flavour from the paste. 

The vegetables were crisp and all equally covered in the delicious finishing sauce.

Each of the Maggi Stir Fry Creations that we tried were true to the flavours which was read on the front of the packets. All of them smelt amazing and we couldn't wait to sit down and try them all.

A big thankyou to Nuffnang for selecting me to trail this new product from Maggi. The whole family really enjoyed it, and we will certainly be adding the Maggi Stir Fry Creations to our shopping trolley in the future.

This post was brought to you by Product Talk by Nuffnang

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